Our April Member of the month is Mason VanDuyne! Mason has been a member of CSFC for over 7 months and brings an unmatched level of enthusiasm to the facility! On top of being a familiar face at CSFC, Mason also runs his own lawn care and landscaping company on the side. This helps him stay in shape outside of the gym. Mason believes fitness is different for everyone. For him, fitness means working towards bettering yourself physically as well as mentally. Mason is all about powerlifting and has a current goal of 500lb squat, 365lb bench, and 565lb deadlift by the end of 2021.
Mason explained that he really appreciates CSFC’s constant growth as a gym. Not only does the gym cater to anyone’s individual fitness goals, but the community within is so close-knit and like family to Mason. If Mason could give one piece of advice to those on their fitness journey it would be this: “Just trust the process, building strength and muscle takes time. Losing weight takes time as well. Find a program that suits your goals. Programs = Progress”
We greatly enjoy the positive attitude Mason brings as a member of CSFC!